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Is a physician, health economist and clinical epidemiologist and maintains an academic appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, Dept. of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Prof. Andreas Maetzel’s core competency is health economic analyses aiming at the integration of research & development activities. He has authored more than 60 articles, mainly in the field of health economics and pharmacoeconomics.

Expertise: clinical epidemiology, health economics, biostatistics, Pharmaceutical Development, commercial forecasting & planning, strategic pricing.

As a DO-HEALTH partner, in collaboration with the coordinating DO-HEALTH partner at the University of Zurich, Prof. Maetzel uses DO-HEALTH findings to develop a comprehensive disease and health economic model for vitamin D supplementation, omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, and a well defined home exercise program combining prospectively collected patient-reported resource utilization and utility data, modeling downstream endpoints on a country-specific basis.

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