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You can simply join in and enjoy while sitting down, and in the comfort of your own home or your office.

GRUUVE stands for „Grown-up universal exercise“ – a universal exercise programme for adults.

DO-HEALTH-GRUUVE is a music-supported exercise program for adults 50+. The program strengthens the core muscles, supports breathing and trains coordination and strength in the arms and legs. At the same time, GRUUVEN is an ideal mindfulness training programme and thus supports our healthy longevity.

We have developed GRUUVE for sitting and standing positions – you can choose depending on your mood. All GRUUVEs only take a few minutes and therefore fit into any short relaxation break.

The DO-HEALTH-GRUUVE programme was developed by movement scientist Dr. Michèle Mattle under the direction of Prof. Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari at the Research Center on Ageing and Mobility, Chair of Geriatrics and Ageing Research at the University of Zurich.

Since March 2020, over 120 different DO-HEALTH-GRUUVEs have been recorded and are available free of charge on YouTube at any time. The short exercise sequences to beautiful violin concertos by Vivaldi can be practiced at home or in the office.

DO-HEALTH stands for „Healthy and Active Aging“ and is a Europe-wide prevention project to delay the biological ageing process and reduce the risk of age-related chronic diseases.

More about Gruuve can be found here, and all GRUUVEs can be found on