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Professor of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and Health Technology Assessment (HTA), is the Chair of the Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and HTA at UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology in Hall i.T., Austria and the Director of the Division for HTA in the ONCOTYROL – Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine in Austria. He is also Adjunct Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health and Senior Scientist in the Program on Cardiovascular Research at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Department of Radiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. He is the President of the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM),

Prof. Siebert has extended experience in evidence-based quantitative and translational methods from public health, epidemiology, comparative effectiveness research, health services and outcomes research, economic evaluation and decision sciences in the framework of HTA as well as in the clinical context of routine health care and patient guidance. His current substantive research focuses on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hepatitis C, neurological disorders, and healthy ageing. His methodological research includes evaluations of public health interventions, prevention/screening, diagnostic imaging procedures, personalized medicine, causal inference from “big” data, and decision modelling.

Web-Site: UMIT, Dept. of Public Health, Health Services Research and HTA

As a DO-HEALTH partner, in collaboration with the coordinating DO-HEALTH partner at the University of Zurich, Prof. Siebert and his team use DO-HEALTH findings to develop a comprehensive disease and health economic model for vitamin D supplementation, omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, and a well-defined home exercise program combining prospectively collected patient-reported resource utilization and utility data, modeling downstream endpoints on a country-specific basis.

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Prof. Dr., MPH, MSc
partner, scientific
Innsbruck, Austria